Impact 2024 Workshops – Friday 18th October 2024
ACL Rehab Masterclass
In this workshop, Specialist Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Jane Rooney will present contemporary ACL injury management algorithms, with practical examples of the shared decision making process with several different patient cases.
About Jane Rooney
Jane has extensive experience in the Sports Medicine field both in Europe and Australia and has worked as a clinician for over 30 years. Jane has worked with international, national and state level athletes in tennis, netball, skiing, cycling, gymnastics and athletics.

Jane Rooney
Associate Clinical Professor, Specialist Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist (sub-speciality knee) as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists in 2009, Director Physio Educators, APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Churchill Fellow
Assessing for risk factors in recreational runners
Participation in recreational running comes with a wide array of health benefits and is protective against several high-burden non-communicable diseases. However, there is also a high prevalence of running-related injury….
About Dr Benjamin Paterson
Dr Benjamin Peterson is a Senior Lecturer in Podiatry at CQ University. He holds a Bachelor of Podiatry, Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours), and PhD in Podiatry from The University of Newcastle, Australia. Benjamin’s PhD was focused on…

Dr Benjamin Paterson
B.Pod, B.Health Sci (Hons), PhD
Senior Lecturer in Podiatry, CQ University
Clinical decision-making for upper limb hypertonicity management
This workshop facilitated by Professor Jodie Copley will focus on the key assessment and clinical reasoning principles that allow individualisation of an intervention package….
About Professor Jodie Copley
Professor Jodie Copley is Head of Occupational Therapy at The University of Queensland, Fellow of the Occupational Therapy Australia Research Academy and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Prof. Jodie Copley
PhD B Occ Thy (Hons), FOTARA, SFHEA
Head of Occupational Therapy at The University of Queensland
Clinical pathways to successful paediatric management – evidence and anecdote
This workshop facilitated by Jason McLellan will focus on a collaborative and discussive approach to clinical examination of the paediatric patient will be highlighted.
About Jason McLellan
With over 20 years of experience in the field of podiatry, Jason is well known for his expertise within the realm of paediatric podiatry.

Jason McLellan
BAppSc (POD) BAppSc (HMS)
Certified Paediatric Podiatrist (CPP) – Awarded by the Australasian Podiatry Council | Clinical Fellow, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology
Comprehensive hamstring rehabilitation in clinical practice
Over the past decade, Nick has developed a systematic approach to rehabilitation while working in the AFL. This approach relies on benchmark data to steer exercise progressions….
About Nick Kane
Nick is the founder & Managing Director of the Sports MAP Network as well as Head Physiotherapist at Essendon Football Club.

Nick Kane
BAppSc, MPhty
Titled Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist
Enhancing the daily grind – practical skills for improving patient outcomes with orthotics
This workshop, brought to you by iOrthotics, will be held onsite at their Windsor Lab. Participants will enjoy a tour of the state-of-the-art facility, followed by a series of practical workshops….
About Scott Morrison
Scott co-founded Allsports Podiatry in 2003. Scott has a Bachelor of Science (Human Movement Studies) from the University of Queensland (1998) and a Bachelor of Health Science (Podiatry) with Honours from the Queensland University of Technology (2001).

Scott Morrison
BHthSc (Pod) (Hons), BSc (HMS)
General Manager, iOrthotics | Adjunct Fellow, School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland
Exercise prescription for elbow tendinopathy
Exercise is the foundation for management of tendinopathies, as it has the capacity to stimulate biochemical processes through mechanical tendon loading that lead to tendon healing and repair….
About Associate Professor Leanne Bisset
Leanne’s professional background as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist has led to a research focus that aims to improve our understanding of treatment effects and the mechanisms underpinning individual responses….

Associate Professor Leanne Bisset
PhD, MPhty (Manipulative Physiotherapy), MPhty (Sports Physiotherapy), BPhty
School of Health Science & Social Work, Griffith University
Healthy hips in athletic populations
Join Specialist Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist, Tim Oostenbroek, for a 3-hour workshop that will enhance participants’ ability to assess and manage people presenting with hip and groin dysfunction.
About Tim Oostenbrook
Tim is currently engaged with the Queensland Academy of Sport (QAS) as Physiotherapy Technical Lead. He works currently with the QAS Golf and Cycling programs as well as providing support and leadership to the broader QAS Physiotherapist network supporting 530 of Queensland’s best athletes.

Tim Oostenbrook
FACP, MPhty (Sports), BPhty, BSc
Specialist Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists in 2022)
Injections masterclass for podiatrists
This workshop is designed to improve the practical skills required for injections of the foot and ankle. Injection therapy is an important part of foot and ankle management – as local anaesthesia for procedural work…
About Leah Cook
Graduating in 1994 from QUT, having mentorship from Phillip Perlman (DPM) Leah began her Podiatric Surgical journey early in her career. She commenced her Postgraduate Pharmacology at Latrobe University in 1995….

Ms Leah Cook
FACPS (Fellow of the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons)
Podiatric Surgeon
Pelvic pain: collaborative musculoskeletal and pelvic health perspectives
This workshop will focus on diagnosing pelvic pain and discussing management strategies. You will have the opportunity to practice physical assessments and engage in an interactive discussion…
About Amy Papinniemi
Amy is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and an emerging clinician-researcher. She is currently pursuing her PhD at the University of Queensland….
About Alex Diggles
Alex is a Specialist Women’s, Men’s and pelvic health physiotherapist. She is the Director of Pelviology, a private pelvic health practice managing tertiary referrals in Brisbane.

Amy Papinniemi
PhD Candidate, MPhty, B.Phty (Hons I), FACP
Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists, 2018)

Alex Diggles
B.Phty (Hons), M. Public Health, FACP
Specialist Women’s, Men’s and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists, 2023)
Using evidence to make sense of the story and support recovery
People’s understanding of their health and their heath conditions is built on information and experiences that they have gained over time. This understanding informs their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
Associate Professor Ben Darlow
Ben is a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Specialist working in private practice in Wellington, New Zealand and Associate Professor in the Department of Primary Health Care and General Practice at the University of Otago Wellington.
Successful strategy execution
Clinic Partners Only
Dr Glen Richards will lead this session on keys to successful execution. Members of the executive and senior leadership team will contribute to this interactive session designed for clinic partners only.
Dr Glen Richards
Dr Glen Richards is a veterinary surgeon and the founder and former CEO of Greencross Limited. Glen continues to help foster early stage businesses through active mentoring, investing and strategic planning sessions.
Sleep Optimisation for Back Pain
In this workshop, Professor Tony Goldschlager, (Neurosurgeon), Professor Scott Ayton (Neuroscientist) and Peter Allen (Physiotherapist) outline their new practical model for incorporating sleep optimisation into physiotherapy care.
This includes a pathway for sleep disorder screening and a novel physiotherapist fitted bed system for optimal body positioning for recovery.
Case studies from a recent feasibility trial are discussed.