Andrew McGough

Specialist Sport & Exercise Physiotherapist

    Andrew is one of only a small number of Specialist Sports and Exercise Physiotherapists in Queensland and Australia.

    In this specialised role, Andrew has been fortunate to be involved as team physiotherapist for a number of Australian sporting teams across gymnastics, diving and rugby union. He has also been involved in general sports across the Commonwealth Games and Paralympic Games over a number of years. At an international and domestic level, he has worked with athletes across soccer, water polo, swimming, basketball and weightlifting.

    Andrew lectures on post-graduate and undergraduate physiotherapy university programs, in particular the Griffith University Masters of Sports Physiotherapy. He regularly presents on the Level 1, 2 and 3 post graduate Sports Physiotherapy Courses, and State and National Physiotherapy Conferences.

    Within the clinical setting – Andrew’s vast experience over more than 20 years of practice is a sounding board and reference point for the most complex and challenging of our clients needs – his professionalism is only challenged by his empathy and understanding.